Autoimmune Series: The Oral Health Impact of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome - Eleven Eleven Dental

Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder in which the body begins attacking its own moisture producing glands. This can affect saliva glands, tear ducts and other types of organs. The problem for oral health occurs when the saliva glands are affected and the flow of saliva reduces. Sjogren’s Syndrome This autoimmune disorder affects all racial … Read more

Autoimmune Series Part 2: Impact of Psoriasis on Oral Health

Impact of Psoriasis on Oral Health - Eleven Eleven Dental

Psoriasis affects 8 million Americans and over 125 million individuals worldwide. Psoriasis is the result of the immune system having a negative response and reproducing skin cells too quickly. Areas of red, thickened, and scaly patches of skin appear as a result of the body not shedding the skin cells fast enough. These patchy areas … Read more

Autoimmune Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health

Autoimmune Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health - 3D illustration of Palm painful

This month we’re kicking off a new blog series! Every other month through 2019 we will highlight a different autoimmune disease and the impacts it has on oral health, and vice versa. Autoimmune diseases are wide-ranging and affect many different systems of the body. Over 23.5 million people Their commonality though, is that the body … Read more