What Causes Cavities? 


It is estimated that approximately 91% of Americans over the age of 20 have experienced a cavity at some point. Furthermore, nearly 30% of Americans over 20 have untreated cavities. These numbers are astonishing considering that preventive care can help avoid cavities. So, why do cavities start? Enamel is the Strongest Substance The outer layer … Read more

Stages of Periodontal Disease 

Periodontal Disease

As we wrapped up National Dental Hygiene Month in October, it seemed fitting to follow up with information about the different stages of gum disease. As your hygienist has probably discussed with you, we take measurements of your gums at least every 12 months to help us determine what stage of health your gums and … Read more

Why do I have Gum Recession?

Gum Recession

You may experience gum recession at some point in your life, even with great home care and regular dental visits. To some degree, it actually affects the majority of our population. “Gum recession is when the margin of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth, or … Read more

Save or Extract a Problem Tooth

a-doctor-showing-Invisalign-teeth-a-our-patient in Port Angeles

For a dentist, there are very few things that are harder to decide than whether to save or remove a problem tooth. Losing a tooth can potentially have a major impact on a patient’s ability to chew. A lost front tooth can have a major impact on self-image and confidence. So why does the dentist … Read more

Brazilian Flavor to Brighten Up Your Summer


Whether right or wrong, lemonade is one of the go to drinks in summertime. With the COVID-19 pandemic hampering a lot of travel plans, we thought we’d add a little bit of an “international flair” to your summertime beverage choices. The Carlile family was first introduced to Brazilian churrasco when Dr. Carlile was an undergraduate … Read more